Animosity between two Ohio parents may sometimes affect a child custody case to the point that one parent will move out of state or even out of the country as a tactic to keep the other parent from seeing the child. Because child custody laws in each state vary, the...
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Month: July 2018
A few signs you should skip mediation for your divorce
If you talk to any family law attorney, he or she will likely tell you about the numerous benefits of mediation for disagreements over child and spousal support, child custody and asset division. However, mediation is not the solution for all couples.First and...
Couple may have to choose to divorce
The motivation for most Ohio couples to get a divorce is often because something in the marriage is not working for one or both spouses. When that happens and they will not or cannot fix the problems, the seemingly natural solution is to separate. One couple, however,...
Legal fees in wealthy couple’s divorce are astronomical
Divorcing Ohio couples often have numerous decisions to make when they divorce. Child custody and support, the division of debts and assets as well as legal fees are just a few points that need to be clarified when settling on the terms of a divorce. One man has been...
Man gets surprise alimony invoice
Some Ohio exes who have to pay alimony sometimes feel the strain of meeting their legal requirements. When their financial duty has been fulfilled, there is often cause for celebration. One man thought he had made his last alimony payment years ago but has...