In Ohio, spousal support (also known as alimony) is money that a court may order one spouse to pay to the other after they divorce. This support is meant to help a spouse who relied on the other financially during the marriage. Here’s a clear breakdown of when spousal...
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Man in disbelief at spousal support ruling
When a judgment from the Ohio court system is not what a plaintiff or defendant wants to hear, the case can be pursued before an appellate court. One man may have to wait up to two years after a judge in another state ruled in the man's spousal support case. He is...
Judge says White’s ex can file for spousal support
What constitutes as a marriage ceremony varies by state, but there are certain elements that Ohio and all other states recognize as binding. Adherence to these rituals is important should the day come when the marriage dissolves and, specifically, should one ex pursue...
Spousal support payments not ending with commitment ceremony
The terms of an Ohio divorce should clearly define the financial arrangement as it applies to spousal and child support. There may come a time for modification to either child or spousal support, for which the court will need to render a decision, should the former...
Spousal support case reviewed by appellate court
Some divorced couples in Ohio are able to come to an amicable settlement and move on with their lives with no future problems. The paths of others are not so smoothly resolved, and child or spousal support issues rear their ugly heads after a period of time. A former...
Pete Rose objects to spousal support increase request
When the relationship between two Ohio spouses comes to an end, there are several decisions they have to make. Just one of those decisions is whether or not spousal support will be paid. As baseball season comes to an end, fans might be interested in the spousal...
Man gets surprise alimony invoice
Some Ohio exes who have to pay alimony sometimes feel the strain of meeting their legal requirements. When their financial duty has been fulfilled, there is often cause for celebration. One man thought he had made his last alimony payment years ago but has...
Basketball star pays lump-sum alimony
In Ohio and elsewhere, divorce settlements vary depending on the situation of each spouse. Financial agreements for alimony and child support are based on the income of the exes, as well as any assets they own together. NBA and WNBA fans may be interested to hear of...
Husband goes to extreme to get alimony in divorce case
In Ohio and elsewhere, some people will go to great lengths to get what they want out of a divorce, especially when it comes to alimony. Sometimes, however, the acts are particularly shocking. Here's what one man did to get part of his heiress-wife's fortune in...
Seek clarity in matters of alimony and child support
When negotiating the terms of a divorce agreement, there are a great many details that deserve careful consideration. One example lies in how future payments between Ohio spouses are classified. When it comes to matters of child support and alimony, there are pros and...