Most Ohio parents will do just about anything to help their children when they are hurting. One mother desperately wanted to help her 3-year-old daughter and is now fighting a child custody battle against the state for both of her children. Her most recent child...
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Month: December 2016
James Caan expected to pay in divorce settlement
Most Ohio residents know that marriages among those in the entertainment industry are not known for their longevity. Furthermore, because the paychecks of some of these performers who grace the large and the small screens are substantial, the financial arrangements in...
Founders of charitable organization headed for divorce
Whether in Ohio or elsewhere, marriage is not easy. Sometimes it just does not last, no matter how long it has been since vows were exchanged. One of the founders of Pacific Investment Management Co. (Pimco), Bill Gross, and his wife of 31 years, Sue, are seeking a...
Sustaining a beneficial child custody order after divorce
The younger members of an Ohio family endure significant adjustments when their two parents divorce. Every parent wants to protect his or her children, and one of the best ways to do this during this time of transition is to work on a beneficial and practical...
Post-divorce financial stability needs proper planning
Finances typically play a significant role in any major life changes. Divorce is one of those occasions that need careful financial planning. Ohio is an equitable distribution state where property is generally divided as agreed by the spouses in a manner that will be...
A Divorced Dad’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays
Moms traditionally do more of the holiday planning. Dads get their marching orders of picking up the ham, hanging lights outside, and perhaps a list when you take the kids shopping for presents.This generally comes to an end once you are separated or officially...