While some celebrity marriages last many years, others do not. It may be the relentless public scrutiny or simply that the chemistry between them is wrong but it seems divorce comes swiftly to those constantly in the public eye. Ohio fans of the popular "Pitch...
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Month: April 2019
Band’s front man keeps assets in divorce
When an Ohio marriage ends, it seems one of the most difficult tasks is the dividing of assets. While some couples with significant assets choose to have a prenuptial agreement in place before they marry, some do not, and attempts to reach a settlement during a...
Can your ex move out of Ohio with your kids after divorce?
It is easily the worst scenario imaginable in a divorce. First, the courts side with your ex and give them primary custody of your children, relegating you to weekends or visitation. Then, your ex breaks the news that they're getting remarried or took a new job and...
Jail sentence imposed after defiance of divorce order
When an Ohio marriage ends both parties have final decisions to make as a couple, especially if children are involved. When they cannot agree on those decisions as they head to divorce court, the judge often gives emphatic direction that will settle the matters at...
Hard work does not save reality show marriage from divorce
Many Ohio marriages are hard enough under normal circumstances. When a marriage is under a public microscope, even the strongest marital bonds can crumble, leading to divorce. Former participants of the reality show "Married at First Sight," Jason Carrion...