Child Custody / Visitation
Ohio Child Custody and Visitation Rights Lawyer
Parenting time. Allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. Shared parenting plans. All of these are terms you will be hearing during the child custody and child visitation phases of your Ohio contested or uncontested divorce.
These short- and long-term arrangements for access to your child, now and in the future, are concerns we have negotiated or litigated for many individuals and couples throughout Franklin and Delaware County at Treneff Cozza Law, LLC.
The terms we want you to remember, in the meantime, are far less complicated but will work to your lasting benefit: personal attention and experienced counsel. That is what we pledge to all of our clients in all family law matters and have done so for more than 30 years.
We want to hear about what you feel you deserve where child custody and visitation are concerned, especially if paternity is an issue. Contact us today by phone for an initial consultation. 614-891-4230.
Personal Attention, Experienced Counsel
The allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, as it is known in Ohio, relates to the custody of your child or children. The custody of a child may be given to one parent only or to both parents through a shared parenting plan. Child support is calculated according to a statutory formula. Visitation rights of the nonresidential parent must be addressed as well.
With an order for shared parenting, both parents are considered residential parents. If one parent only becomes the residential parent, he or she can legally make decisions in parental consent situations, whereas in shared parenting, both parents are required to make joint decisions in their children’s best interest. Neither parent has more rights than the other. We have found that shared parenting can thrive in an atmosphere of communication and cooperation.
Another feature of this creative way to determine parenting time is cooperation and flexibility in scheduling access to the child. Your schedule can be customized to fit both parties’ schedules.
Both parents need not agree on shared parenting. In fact, this remedy can be ordered by the court over the objection of one of the parties. But it must be shown that shared parenting would be in the best interest of the children.
Contact us if we can help you with a child custody matter — we have helped many others with child custody and child visitation issues over the past 30 years.
By Phone, Fax and E-Mail
We offer personal attention and experienced counsel for your family law matters. Those priorities can spell success in addressing your child custody and visitation issues. Call our skilled family law attorneys today to schedule an initial consultation. 614-891-4230. Or reach us by fax or e-mail.