Preserving a Cooperative Environment in Divorce
Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be a Fight
At Treneff Cozza Law, LLC, we are keenly aware that staying focused on the legal issues is no small challenge. Divorce is stressful, and you can’t just flip your emotions off like a light switch.
We act to foster cooperation between the parties rather than fanning the flames. We see our role as giving clients a “reality check” and the tools to move forward rather than dwelling on the disputes and indignities that led to the divorce.
Our knowledgeable attorneys have more than 30 years of experience in family law, serving the Columbus area and central Ohio. Contact us today for an initial consultation.
Adjusting Your Frame of Mind
Revenge motives or angling to “win” your divorce usually backfire. We educate clients about how a court would rule, and the financial, legal and practical implications of their decisions. We work to convince clients that a negotiated agreement will be better in the long run than getting your way in the short term. Will you be able to look each other in the face?
We still develop strategic moves that are in your best interests, but we want the overriding factor to be finding a solution that lets you and your former spouse move on with your lives. We believe that being above-board and up-front, even when you are far apart on certain issues, creates trust and consistently leads to a more favorable outcome.
It’s Not Just the Two of You
If children are involved, you cannot just cut all ties with the other parent. Your relationship, like it or not, will continue for years to come. Which makes the custody and visitation agreement a cornerstone of life after divorce. Rather than digging in your heels and refusing to work together, we help you explore alternatives that lead to solutions. We help you set boundaries and practical expectations in crafting a parenting schedule that serves the best interests of the child and fosters communication between the parents.
What If We Reach an Impasse?
An increasing number of people are pursuing dissolution, or amicable divorce, as an alternative to contested divorce. But couples who think they have agreed on everything often discover disagreements or second thoughts once it’s put in writing. Resentments and mistrust surface and the process breaks down. Our lawyers are adept at finishing the puzzle. We may recommend mediation or a form of collaborative law (an informal commitment not to litigate) whenever possible, hopefully leading to a less contested and quicker resolution.
There is always a solution. And you need your lawyer to be part of that solution, not getting in the way or encouraging litigation. Ask for Craig Treneff or Andrea Cozza when you call 614-891-4230, or contact us online.