Spousal support is often granted to lesser earning spouses for a specific amount of time after a marriage is over. This is designed to allow a spouse to enjoy a continuity of lifestyle, as well as provide an opportunity to find employment or settle into a new...
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Month: November 2015
Divorce with a strong financial future in mind
During divorce, it is normal to become focused on winning emotional battles and addressing immediate concerns. Ohio individuals facing divorce should note that it is important to maintain the perspective of building a strong post-divorce financial future, as this...
Divorce: Prenups can protect professional and personal assets
It is not uncommon for arguments about money to kill the romance in many Ohio marriages. If money issues are not addressed in a timely manner, anxiety, fear and uncertainty can be destructive. Unfortunately, such feelings often lead to threats. It is not uncommon for...
Protect financial interests in case of an eventual divorce
Ohio readers who are facing a divorce or who are already engaged in the process know that financial matters are some of the most complex to navigate. Nevertheless, there are ways to protect financial interests in the event of a subsequent divorce. This is...