When it comes to ending a marriage, the reasons vary from one to the next. Sometimes, it is as simple as irreconcilable differences, and the finalized divorce is hassle-free. Other times, however, accusations are flung from both sides, and acrimony replaces matrimony. Ohio Supreme Court Justice Pat DeWine and his wife, Rhonda, are getting a divorce after an 18-month separation.
Ms. DeWine recently filed with allegations of cruelty, adultery and gross neglect of duty. She claims her husband has paid a number of household bills since he moved out, but he has given her almost no spousal support. According to tax records, she only made $4,000 last year working in her hair salon. She also says she supported him by traveling with him and taking care of their children, two of whom are hers and three are his from previous marriages.
Not long after they were married nearly nine years ago, DeWine urged his wife to file bankruptcy for some outstanding debts, and now she is not able to get any credit in her own name. She is having trouble paying living expenses for her and her two children and cannot maintain the standard of living to which she had become accustomed during her marriage. Based on DeWine’s salary and other income, she is requesting $5,000 per month but will seek more unless he continues to pay household-related expenses.
Going through a divorce is difficult under the best circumstances. When a financial lifestyle also undergoes a drastic change for the worse, it can seem like conditions will never get better. The sound advice and assistance from an Ohio attorney can often turn hopelessness into optimism for a client who is in need of his or her services.