Couples preparing for marriage should begin speaking about finances as soon as possible. Many people in Columbus, Ohio, have believed for years that the most heated arguments for some couples involve money. By addressing these issues early, soon-to-be spouses can determine how troublesome the topic will be before they have tied the knot. Many couples fail to do this, though, and according to a new study, arguments about money are the biggest indicator for divorce.
Now imagine dragging arguments of finances out of a middle-income home and into one that has a considerable amount of wealth. The results of the study showed that couples who argue about money early in a relationship are at a higher risk of divorce, regardless of their socioeconomic status. High Asset divorce can be extremely stressful, especially if both spouses are money-oriented. Typically, partners involved in such a relationship are very aware of their net worth and this comes out during the divorce proceedings. The arguments that occurred during the marriage are now completely unchained, giving each spouse the ability to go after what she or he wants, with no holds barred.
Spouses that do not want to see their world turned upside down by divorce may not want to have such a wild dissolution. Instead of trying to see how much of the spouse’s money can be drained by legal matters, divorcing individuals should try to come to a compromise that is suitable and acceptable for both parties. If one person wants to keep the business, the other person should be compensated for the portion she or he would otherwise receive. The same goes for any other form of property. In order to make sure that this happens, speak with an attorney and tell her or him you want to have as amicable of a divorce as possible.
Source: Huffington Post, “Divorce Study: Financial Arguments Early In Relationship May Predict Divorce” No author given, Jul. 12, 2013