When divorce looms, many worry that their separation will not be easy and that it will take years before it is finalized. This does not usually happen, but it can. For instance, a 2008 divorce case began when a couple that had been together for almost two decades decided to call it quits. The husband offered to pay the wife $5,400 per month in spousal support until his retirement and said he would also give her a $50,000 lump sum payment.
Few people in Columbus, Ohio have received such an offer from their divorcing spouse. According to reports, she decided this was not enough and chose to litigate the dissolution. This would end up backfiring.
Both spouses are in their 50s and are used to living a life of opulence and wealth. His business-which usually generated $250,000 per year-was not doing as well while the two were locked in a divorce battle that eventually cost them $400,000 and almost five years of their lives.
Four different judges presided over their divorce case. A decision was finally reached in November 2012. According to reports, the judge ruled that the husband – who had financial troubles during the divorce – would have to pay the wife $1,500 per month in spousal support, an amount much lower than the original offer. The judge also ruled that the wife would have to pay the husband $525 per month in child support, bringing the amount of money she would receive from the divorce to a little less than $1,000 each month. In the end, it seems that their drawn-out divorce was not worth it.
Divorce is not easy, but sometimes having the right attorney can make the process go more smoothly. At the very least, attorneys can explain the divorce process, including the division of property, spousal and child support, and child custody so their clients understands all of their options.
Source: abajournel.com, “‘Divorce from hell’ began with $5,400 monthly alimony offer, ended with $1,500 installments,” Martha Neil, April 8, 2013