With so many people choosing to end their marriages in Columbus, Ohio, one might think the steps for a newly divorced life would be clearly laid out. Every circumstance is different, though, as is every individual, and this makes the post-divorce world tough to adapt to for some. There is one thing that can be addressed regarding the divorce and that is alimony. After being awarded alimony, what should you do with it? Should you rely on it as a major source of income?
Most experts would say absolutely not. This is because spousal support is not permanent in most cases. Even in the states where this is possible, many people are trying to have this overturned, making spousal support modifications very likely in the future. The transient nature of alimony should be the first and only indicator necessary for a recipient to realize that she or he cannot rely on it forever. In the meantime, the recipient may want to use it to make her or himself better suited to the working world.
This could mean using alimony payments to go back to school or to seek out the assistance of a job counselor. Some alimony recipients have been out of work for a considerable amount of time and the divorce has left them unsure and uncertain of what to do next. During the marriage, these individuals may have relied on their spouses for the day-to-day income. Now that the divorce has happened, this dependence is no longer possible, at least not past whatever alimony provides.
To make sure that you have the ability to give yourself some time to prepare your return to the workforce, speak to a lawyer who specializes in divorce. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to acquire an alimony award that supports you until you have managed to get on your feet financially.
Source: Fox Business, “How to Financially Readjust for Post-Divorce Life” Andrea Murad, Aug. 02, 2013