Many who are ending their marriage in Ohio likely worry about how their spouses will react. Some are lucky enough to have a marriage that is ending amicably, but others, when filing for divorce, become stressed when thinking about the reaction the news will bring about in their spouse.
When family law comes into play, individuals should consider the well-being of the entire family when determining how they act, especially in response to divorce papers. Some may act reasonably, going along with requests from the court and their spouse’s attorneys without so much as a hiccup. Others, however, may be more distraught by such a major life change.
It’s no secret that divorce can be an emotional process for many, but sometimes a spouse’s initial reaction is unpleasant. Those that act out after the decision to divorce is made often feel extremely upset about the divorce. However, acting out by taunting a spouse or involving the kids can make the process worse. When dealing with the emotions that come with divorce, each decision concerning the future of the family should be considered over a longer period of time.
Some individuals, after the divorce has been finalized, may be bitter or angry about how the divorce came about or what terms were agreed upon. Some former spouses have used their children to deliver child support checks or written nasty notes in the memo line of alimony checks. Others let their children know what the other parent has supposedly done to them by showing them court records and speaking poorly of their former spouse in front of them. While parents may have legitimate reasons to feel angry toward a former spouse, it is often suggested that parents try to maintain cordial interactions for the sake of the children.
Source: Huffington Post, “When The Fairy Tale Ends In Divorce, Start Reading The Fables,” Edra J. Pollin, Oct. 12, 2011