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Protecting children from the negative effects of divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2015 | Divorce

Divorce may be difficult for parents, but it always has a long-term impact on the children. Ohio parents make a great effort to protect their children during a divorce, but it may be useful to consider things from the children’s viewpoint when making important divorce decisions. Parents can strive to work together and individually to ease the transitions that occur when a marriage ends. 

Parents often worry that their children will suffer long-term emotional harm from a divorce. Truthfully, children can adapt and adjust to their new surroundings after the marriage ends. Custody arrangements should reflect the actual needs of the children and disrupt their normal routine as little as possible. When parents cannot work together on a suitable agreement, family courts will determine the final custody arrangement. 

Divorce is an incredibly complex and difficult process, and it can be hard for parents to withhold their emotions about the other parent. However, parents should work hard not to speak negatively about their ex-spouse. This can cause emotional strain on the kids and ultimately affect their relationship with their parents. Children deserve honesty, respect and, if possible, a strong relationship with both parents. 

When parents keep the emotional needs of their children as their primary focus during a divorce, it can benefit the entire family for years to come. Even though children do bounce back quickly, a divorce should be navigated in a manner that protects their interests as much as possible. Ohio parents can get assistance and guidance for the entire divorce process by scheduling a complete case evaluation with a knowledgeable legal ally.

Source: The Huffington Post, “8 Things Kids Of Divorce Want Parents To Know“, Brittany Wong, April 7, 2015

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